Large Scale Waste Recycling in the ACT
Fyshwick would be worse off with waste facilities than Hume: report
Delos Delta prepared a rapid economic impact assessment of large-scale waste recycling in the ACT, specifically comparing the locations of Fyshwick versus Hume.
The goal was to understand which location would deliver a better economic outcome for the ACT as a whole.
While the analysis focuses on a subset of the total economic impacts, our findings are clear: Hume is a better location for large-scale waste recycling activities.
Our report highlights that Fyshwick is moving away from its traditional industrial base towards a mixed-use commercial environment. Accordingly, any large-scale waste recycling facility in Fyshwick would have a significant negative impact, on traffic and property values in particular, with flow on impacts to government revenue, rental returns and employment, which are the focus of our analysis.
Overall, there appear to be benefits for establishing new, innovative waste management processes. If a facility of this type does proceed in the ACT, Hume should be the preferred location, from both an economic and a planning perspective
Read the full Canberra Times article or Download the Large Scale Waste Recycling in the ACT Report