North Burnett Regional Council
Economic Development and Innovation Strategy
The North Burnett Regional Council endorsed their Economic Development and Innovation Strategy in early 2019. The Strategy is a roadmap to navigate the ongoing economic growth and innovation in the community. It was developed based on engagement with the community, detailed case studies and analysis of economic, technology and demography trends.
“Building our region’s innovation capacity is an important part of the Strategy. Innovation in technology, communications, finance, governance, infrastructure, and commerce is driving economic growth around the world. We are committed to riding these waves of innovation and delivering local jobs and local benefits for our community.” – Mayor Cr Rachel Chambers
The Strategy focused on leveraging local assets and establishing the governance and resourcing mechanisms to develop to develop a smarter economy. The Council developed economic values and priority action areas to drive their decision making, these include:
Economic values
- Innovation
- Participation
- Collaboration
- Openness
- Purpose
- Sustainability
Priority action areas
- Building on our Natural Strengths
- Developing our Innovations Eco-System
- Growing our Tourism Sector
- Improving Infrastructure and Connectivity
- Empowering Community
- Taking a Global Perspective
- Leveraging Smart Technology
Delos Delta worked with Council to conduct a range of community engagement which included a community survey where we gained feedback about the economic and innovation initiatives and current challenges of the community. Face-to-face engagement sessions allowed for further discussion with the community, addressing economic barries/weaknesses and potential actions.
In addition to engagement, Delos Delta conducted reviews of the current economic and innovation ecosystems in North Burnett to assess gaps and provide insights/recommendations for priority actions.